I was a Vegan for One Week…here’s what happened.

A couple of weeks ago, I was preparing a blog post on my “diet”. Basically, it was about what kinds of food I eat and why. The premise of the post was that I was pretty proud of that fact that I don’t typically follow any particular diet, but am more of an intuitive eater. However, partway through writing, I realized that I was about to preach a lifestyle choice that in reality was not doing me any good. I was still in pain every day, not sleeping well, had no energy, etc.

I had the epiphany…I would not encourage someone else to continue eating this way, so why was I.

I’ve read books and done research on all kinds of dietary theories, and continue to learn more every day, but I had never strictly implemented any of them because, from a dietary perspective, I thought I was fairly healthy. But, I decided to nix all preconceived notions that how I was eating was good, and completely revamped my diet.

For one week this carnivore became a vegan.


The Plan:

For the first three days, I went completely raw. Only eating raw fruits and veggies. No nuts, seeds, etc. Only raw fruits and veggies were allowed. This was based on the Medical Mediums 28 day cleanse protocol.

During those three days, my energy slowly began to increase and my headaches became less frequent.

I originally had planned on staying on track with the Medical Medium healing plan for a bit longer, but by day four the weather was getting colder and my body was screaming at me for something cooked. So while I was still only eating fruits and veggies, some of those veggies were sauteéd on days four and five.

After day five I added in some nuts and seeds. Chia and Hemp seeds are both high in protein and healthy fats. My body seemed to be needing these around by day six, since around day five I was feeling like I had less energy again. Simply by adding in vegan proteins and a little extra fat (besides the avocado I was eating every day), my energy once again returned.

On day seven I was able to go on a hike. Something I have not had the energy to do for three years!

After day seven, I added in fish and started to reduce my fruit intake to limit the sugar. I tried to limit my animal protein to dinner time and continued with no eggs, dairy, gluten, grains, soy, beans, or sugar (not even “all-natural” sugars like honey and maple syrup were allowed). For days eight through fourteen, I continued on this pescatarian diet.


What Happened:

In the first seven days of being vegan, I was able to wean myself off of my anxiety meds. And during the full fourteen days, I was able to wean myself off of one of my major pain medications.

On day fifteen, I had gluten-free waffles dairy-free waffles (that did contain eggs), and bacon. For the following two days, I felt awful. I could not get off the couch, I was sleeping terribly, and I had no energy to make my own meals, as I had for the past two weeks.

Since then (it has now been almost a month since I set off on this endeavor), I have been determined to stay on track with the pescatarian diet I was following in week two.

I even went out to dinner twice and was able to make healthy enough choices (fish with a side of veggies), that despite probably not being cooked in the oils I usually use (avocado, sesame), I did not have the same negative side effects that I did when I ate the waffles.

The key was also getting right back on track the next day, and not feeling guilty for going off the plan. Guilt can cause a worse reaction than an actual food intolerance. Enjoying life is just as important as eating healthy. You need to find a balance in all areas of your life in order to feel your best.

I don’t plan on eating this strictly forever. As I continue to heal I hope to add in some grass-fed beef, eggs, quinoa, and beans. My idea is that these would be on occasion. And if I ever feel like I am going completely backward on my healing journey, I can always revert back to raw fruits and veggies for a couple days to get my body back on track.

I am still getting some headaches, and some days I lack in energy, but I feel better than I have in a long time.

This week I started school at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I can’t wait to use this opportunity to learn more about how to change my life to become a happier healthier me, and I hope to use my knowledge so that I can guide all of you in doing to same.


Happy Healing.

2 thoughts on “I was a Vegan for One Week…here’s what happened.

  1. Morgan, this is fantastic information!!! I am so so happy that you have found something that is helping you take back your life. And by sharing this you will help others. Love you!


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